Une minette très intimidée

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I hope this email finds you well.
I'm desperately looking to adopt a cat or kitten, suitable for an apartment.
I'm a retired teacher therefore, I'm at home throughout most days apart from when I volunteer at the soup kitchens which takes only 4 hours.

Please do contact me regarding the above kitten.

Have a beautiful day.

I'm now retired, so I'm looking for a cat or kitten, suitable for affection, love and joy.

I can collect a cat or kitten or if you wish, you may visit my apartment so that you can see what a super, loving caring home I have.

Warmest regards.

Hi Sarah,
You can come to the cats shelter on a Saturday or a Tuesday afternoon. Between 14.30 pm and 17.30 pm
Or you can send a e-mail to : info@sos-chats.ch

I lost My lovely daughter (cat) 14yrs last September
im still grieving but also i want to do something to honor her
Maybe two little kitties who need family .thanks

You can send e E-Mail to : info@sos-chats.ch